Community Service Award

Awards of Creative Excellence 2022 | London Home Builders' Association


The Community Service award has been created to celebrate our members' commitment to their community. The LHBA sees the importance in recognizing your efforts, the reach and impact your good deeds have in our city. Volunteerism begins with the realization that with every challenge, be it large or small, there is an opportunity for act of service to help over come it.


This award will take into consideration the size of a company; the number of employees and other factors that may affect a company's charitable endeavours. There is weight in the judging criteria for LOCAL contributions.

Member Nomination and self-nominations accepted, selected by the Executive Committee.

Criterion Weight
Financial contributions/Volunteerism/Size of company 20.0%
Charitable involvement at local level is a MUST for this award 30.0%
Contributions/Reach/Impact 30.0%
Identifying a priorty 10.0%
Inspiring others within your company and/or your community to do acts of community service 10.0%